

UNC 紧急警报 is a mass notification system that allows the university to simultaneously issue campus 警报s to computer desktops, 短信 to personal cell phones, and 在紧急情况下发送电子邮件到UNC的电子邮件地址. 该系统被称为狂欢警报和 provided by Massachusetts-based Rave Mobile 安全 , will supplement the university’s 现有网络、电子和电话应急通讯.

紧急情况包括关键、紧急和破坏性事件. when警报的示例 将发放的包括但不限于:

  • An imminent threat involving UNC警察 or other public safety authorities
  • 龙卷风警报和其他恶劣天气
  • 校园和建筑关闭,公共设施中断

教职员工和学生都注册了这项服务. 学生们什么时候报名了 registering for classes at new student orientation, and returning students who have already registered have been invited to sign up when accessing their e-mail for the 第一次. 教职员工通过登录注册 大熊星座.



学生 can sign up by entering the number for their text-capable cell phone when 提示。 大熊星座 and BearMail account activation process, or by logging in to 大熊星座, clicking on the My Account tab and entering the number for their text-capable cell phone in the UNC 紧急警报箱.


教职员工应该 登录大熊座 然后点击

“我的帐户”选项卡. 找到“紧急警报”面板,输入您的手机号码,然后 点击“保存更改”按钮.  A“您的更改已成功保存。.”消息 会出现在面板上,表明您的注册已完成. 电话号码可以是 使用相同的过程更改.



Guardian App苹果下载

Guardian App Google下载

Download the 狂欢卫士应用程序 to provide an extra layer of security for yourself 和其他人.

  • 为UNC紧急警报添加另一种传递方法
  • 快速拨打皇冠app官方版下载警察局*
  • 向皇冠app官方版下载警察局发送非紧急犯罪提示*
  • Text communication to UNC警察 for our deaf and hard of hearing students and staff*
  • Timers to have friends or family watch over you while walking on or off campus
  • 其他校园部门的重要电话和网络联系信息
  • Guardian 安全 profile to let first responders know about pre existing medical conditions and 紧急联系人.

To sign up for the app you must first add your emergency 警报 phone number in your ursa account, after 24 hours you can download it from your app store and use the same 将其链接到您的UNC紧急警报信息. 

*If location services are active using these options will also give UNC警察 your location data for the duration fo the call or text chat to further assist officers 协助来电者.



  • 什么是UNC紧急警报?

    The UNC 紧急警报 is a multi-layered approach for communicating campus emergencies 校园安全. 它允许大学同时发布校园警报 通过电脑桌面,在紧急情况下发送电子邮件和短信. 它补充 大学现有的网络和其他紧急通信.

  • 何时发送警报?

    只适用于紧急情况及破坏性事件. 简短的信息包括基本的 information and direct recipients to the university’s emergency website  at http://emergency.emotionsamsara.com 了解更多信息. 何时发出警报的例子包括,但不是 限于:

    • An imminent threat involving UNC警察 or other public safety authorities
    • 龙卷风警报和其他恶劣天气
    • 校园和建筑关闭,公共设施中断
    • To test the system at the beginning of fall and spring semester and the summer session.
  • 我将如何得到通知?

    By phone to emergency contact numbers provided by faculty, staff and students using 短信校园电子邮件帐户(奇怪的人.教职员和熊的Edu.奇怪的人.edu for students), and desktop 警报s sent to all on campus university computers.

  • If there is an emergency situation, how long will it take to receive the message?

    In the event of an emergency, messages will be sent simultaneously through desktop, 电子邮件和短信. 有几个因素决定交货时间. For example, if there are utility outages or high call volumes, messages can be delayed. The intent is to reach campus through at least one of the paths (desktop, e-mail or 文本).

  • 谁发送警报信息? 发送者行显示了什么?

    UNC警察 sends the messages with the following sender line information:

    • An imminent threat involving UNC警察 or other public safety authorities
    • 龙卷风警报和其他恶劣天气
    • 校园和建筑关闭,公共设施中断
    • 短信:电话号码不同.
    • 电子邮件:奇怪的人@getrave.请将此电子邮件地址添加到您的安全发件人列表中.
  • 我如何注册?

    学生 can sign up by entering the number for their text-capable cell phone when 提示。 大熊星座 and BearMail account activation process, or by logging in 到大熊座(http://ursa.emotionsamsara.com), clicking on the My Account tab and entering the number for their text-capable cell 皇冠app官方版下载紧急警报面板的电话.

    教职员工应该 登录大熊座, click the My Account tab and complete the UNC紧急警报面板中的字段.

  • 我将如何收到确认?

    The 紧急警报 system will send you an acknowledgment of your status after you sign up (T-Mobile customers will need to respond to the message to subscribe to UNC 紧急警报.) The confirmation will say: “UNC 紧急警报:你 are set to receive TXT提醒每个帐户设置. 更多信息请回复“帮助”. 如欲退出,请回复“停止” 味精&数据速率可能适用.”

    If you don't receive a confirmation, you can go to 大熊星座 and verify your registration under the Student tab for students or Employee tab for faculty and staff.

  • 我的代价是什么?

    这项服务是免费的。. 手机运营商可能会收取短信费.

  • What if I inadvertently reply "Stop" after receiving a text message?

    Send a text message to 226787 with "START" in the message to sign back up.

    你 will receive a confirmation message stating that you have re-subscribed to the 短信.

  • 我如何选择退出?

    你 may opt-out at any time by texting “STOP” to the last received message.

  • 如果我选择退出,但后来决定我想再次选择加入?

    你 may opt in to receive 短信 by texting “START” in the message to 226787.

  • If my cell phone number changes, how do I update my contact information?

    学生 should 登录大熊座 and click on Student tab to edit their contact information 在UNC紧急警报框里. 教职员工可以去大熊星座,点击Employee 选项卡并在“紧急警报”框中更改其信息.

  • 如果我的手机供应商换了怎么办?

    As long as your phone number doesn’t change, you don’t have to do anything.

  • I'm receiving UNC 紧急警报 in error and have no affiliation with the university. 我如何选择退出?

    请致电970-351-4357或 技术.support@奇怪的人.edu 将您的联系信息从数据库中删除.

  • 谁在使用这项服务?

    The service, called Rave Alert, is used across a number of sectors including by colleges, 大学和K-12学校.

  • 我的资料会如何使用?

    Solely for 在校园紧急情况下联系你的目的. 它不会是 为任何其他目的共享.

  • 如果我不提供我的手机号码怎么办?

    你 will still receive 警报s to your UNC affiliated e-mail address, but we highly recommend signing up for the 短信 to be sure you are provided with any emergency 信息要及时. 所提供的手机号码仅用于 在校园紧急情况下联系你的目的. 它不会被分享 其他用途吗?.

  • Why should I verify my campus directory phone number and direct office phone number?

    Verifying those numbers will facilitate communication with you in the event of a known 校园内外的紧急情况只影响到你自己. 举个例子 emergency involving one of your family members and the only information available 你是皇冠app官方版下载的员工.

  • 如果我是家长,我能收到提醒吗?

    Parents, conference attendees, and other community members that wish to receive 警报s can sign up for a 1 month temporary subscription by texting UNCALERT to 226787. 你 会收到确认您注册UNC警报的消息吗. 1个月后 will receive a message saying your subscription has ended, at that time you can respond 再次与UNCALERT一起注册一个月.

  • 我可以在哪里发送反馈?

    将您的评论发送电子邮件至 警报.feedback@奇怪的人.edu.